Our Purpose
Our purpose is to provide supportive recovery housing in a safe, accountable and therapeutic environment. Our goal is to bring equity to low-income and marginalized communities. VisonQuest provides education regarding substance use disorder and the accompanying lifestyle, helping clients to gain insight and direction towards individual change and a successful reintegration back into society.
“If there is anything equal to the nobility of saving lives, it is revealing the humanity and the value of those lives. The key to long-term sobriety is understanding the value one brings to the world with their unique life, perspective, and experiences.”
Mission Statement
The VisionQuest Recovery Society is committed to helping individuals heal from substance use disorder by empowering them to make positive lifestyle choices. We bring substance-addicted clients into a comprehensive healing journey, involving mind, body and spirit based on 12-step philosophy and recovery capital. We are especially attuned to the needs of individuals with a history with the courts, and actively cooperate with the relevant authorities to further the interests of both our clients and, by extension, the wider community.